The Client: Walmart Sales Associate

Work Done
What work have you done?
UX Research, Visual Design, User Experience Design, Interaction Design
September 2018 - November 2018
Sales Associates need an application that is dedicated to employee dashboard and smooth communication experience by iPAD.
My Role
UX/UI Designer and Researcher as part of designing prototype of data visualization for sales associate internal application for iPad Pro in 2019.
Up until July 2018, Walmart changed its design system, so I followed after July 2018, the new guideline.
HMW Statement

How might we execute data visualization has to be concise and simple?

How might we clear combination of a fixed report visualization and created an intense competition with many retail stores challenges?

How might we balancing visual statics data and how-to documents for sales associates?

How might we solve data visualization problem that is on going with sales associates?
Jessica Needs Internal Communication Tool

Key Findings

Fixing the search problem and visually report quickly, I found Dashboard API (Application Programming Interface) database and inspired by desktop application and also added a more visual infographic features which indexed recent and favorites.

Applications could operate without an internet connection, making information accessible at any time at a consistent speed, no matter where you are.

New Feature Has Just Begun
Consumer marketing report and a lo-fi prototype were released.
Thanks to the interviewing with Aditi, Director of Walmart, AR, and live user testing, I could grasp the Walmart customer-centered mindset and learn more about data-driven goal achievement and retail store-friendly application design.
I had an opportunity to get to know Walmart internal management system and investgating for revenue dashboard, customer reviews, their store key performance, promotional events.
Associates care about their benefits and social gathering, company events. This internal communication will bond with each other and eventually boost their store sales.
First things to do reminder dashboard
Lo-Fi Prototype
I would love to share my passion and love for the Retail Management application and user-centered design.It was hard to manage and update all the data from the millions of stores. Also, Walmart needs to boost its Management Application efficiency and Respect their employee Privacy Concern.All application updates have to be submitted and approved by the App Store each time, which can take up to a few weeks. This is especially true for native apps on Apple devices.How do you like my idea?

Concept Design: Associates login and finding colleague
Walmart Inc Sales Associates iPAD Dashboard

Book Meeting

First things to do
Strategies to measure success
Using data to create a sales analysis report, everything about your stores and neighboring stores to boost sales and making better stores in every angle by histogram and a Line graph, Pie chart, Bubble chart, Bar graph Heat Map, etc.A sales analysis report shows the trends that occur in Walmart's sales volume over time. In its most basic form and advanced feature, a sales analysis report shows whether sales are increasing or declining. Any time during the fiscal year, sales managers may analyze the trends in the report to determine the best solution of action.This has to be mutual consent for Data analysis and personal information.
Dashboard For Team Collaboration
The calendar is automatically connected to Revenue report and meeting, coming up events, Board meetings. They come up with the idea of how to make better their CFF scores, customer feedback.

Return Rates

Delivery Issues
Associates performance with metrics that matters to business
I took a top-down approach to defining the overall structure of the experience. Sketching and storyboarding, I generated stacks of ideas about the arrangement of user interface for statics, customer review/feedback scores visually connected with the visual star icon feature with your team members name, so this could be another way of their monthly/ yearly appraisals.All of the reports will be connected to Microsoft suites and Google documents and fully sharable with your team and managers.
The Style Guide
These are renovated guideline for Walmart

Outcome and Achievement
Fixing the search bar and monthly/ annual report quickly, I find a visual solution for API database redesign and also added visual infographic features which indexed recent and favorites. Applications can operate even without an internet connection, making information available at any time at a consistent speed, no matter where you are.
The UX user interview and user testing, UX research and hi-prototype were released.
I could understand the Walmart user-centered mindset and had a chance to iterate data-driven sale boosting and retail store friendly application design.
I had an opportunity to get to know Walmart Retail managing system and Study for sales-boosting, how hard they work, review their store performance from sales, promotional events, customer feedback.Also, they try to make it better in every aspect.
How can we make sales associate data accessible?